An ACTS Women's retreat is a four-day retreat beginning on Thursday evening, April 3, and ending on Sunday, April 6, after the luncheon following the 11 am Mass at St. Laurence. This retreat is designed to strengthen your Catholic faith and community by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The retreat is staffed and run by laywomen. Please prayerfully consider deepening your faith by attending this retreat.
Transportation for the Retreatants to and from the Retreat Center will be provided. This weekend retreat gives you the chance to spend time with God, focus on your faith and cultivate friendships.
The ACTS Team is proud to provide a retreat designed to give women an opportunity to enter into a deeper relationship with our Lord and our community. It is open to all women 21 and over.
ACTSRetreats enrich our lives through focus on:
ADORATION and daily prayer;
COMMUNITY as a member of the Body of Christ;
THEOLOGY through the study of Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church; and
SERVICE with emphasis on the virtue of service to our Lord, to our Church and to one another.
ACTS will give you the opportunity to meet women who share your desire to walk in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus. Together we will discover new ways to live with the Holy Spirit, become true Christian women and live richer more meaningful lives.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ, renew yourself spiritually, offer new meaning to your prayer life and Sunday liturgy, and most of all, build lasting relationships with other Christian women.
If you have any questions, please contact the director before registration. Please note that there is a $75 cancellation fee if you are unable to attend after registration.