Pack light. Light shirts, scrubs, shorts, pants, light jacket or sweater. Hat, rain slicker or umbrella. Waterproof shoes. Expect temperatures from 60 degrees at night to 90 during the day. Some rain is anticipated each day. The mission is not a fashion show so there's no need to overdress; the people we serve are poor.
Personal items:
Bring your own soap, shampoo comb/brush, sunglasses, hand wipes, small day pack or fanny pack for water and personal items during the day. Small flashlight. Camera if desired; most use their cell phone for photos. Toilet paper, towels, sheets, a pillow and pillow case and light blanket are furnished.
Shopping in Grano De Oro:
Grano De Oro is a very small town with one convenience/general store about a block from the mission site. There are also small booth type shack stores offering knickknack type souvenirs. Not much to buy. We do not stop to shop coming or going. If you need it bring it with you.
Housing and Food:
We utilize a hotel and a retreat center for housing. Both are clean and better than you would expect for this location with hot water and indoor plumbing. The septic tanks do not accept toilet paper which is placed in a can next to each toilet and disposed of each day.
In general missionaries stay 4 to a room in upper and lower bunk beds and married missionary couples have their own rooms. All rooms have outlets for cell phone and appliance access. No adapter required.
Food is purchased and prepared by the same crew we hire year after year and they do a terrific job. Lots of rice, beans, vegetables, fruits and a variety of meats and breads will be provided daily. Coffee and tea and juices are also provided. Most missionaries really like the food