To provide service to the parish and local agencies in need.
To provide fellowship to the women of the parish at our monthly meetings and outside fun activities throughout the year.
In some ways, we are like both Martha, the one who acted, and Mary, the one who simply made herself available. Ladies Guild does a tremendous amount of service for the parish and our community.
We donate proceeds from our Shop ‘Til U Drop fundraiser to programs such as the Angela House, Mamie George Grandparents Raising Grandkids, Fort Bend Family Promise, Steubenville, Sole Loved, Elijah Rising, SLCS Tuition Assistance, SLCS ECC Campus, and Gabriel Project.
Our Funeral Receptions Ministry offers a fully catered reception for funerals in our parish, which is no small task for a parish as large as ours.
We provide receptions for the Ministry Fair, Coffee and Donuts Sunday, and other receptions as needed for special occasions.
Our Meals that Heal Ministry delivers meals to parish families who need some temporary assistance, such as new moms, people with sick relatives, or anyone in need.
Our Praying Hands Ministry receives prayer requests, writes prayers, and distributes them to those on our prayer chain.