Answering The Call...
"Do Whatever He Tells You"
John 2:5
Please come and explore how you can answer our shared baptismal call of passing along the faith to future generations.
Join us for a Catechist Showcase on
Sunday, July 7, 2024
after the 9 am, 11 am and 1pm Masses
in the Corpus Christi Room
(Located in the parish courtyard across from the fountain)
At the Catechist Showcase, you will have an opportunity to visit with current Children's faith formation catechists and Youth CORE team members, check out grade-level program resources provided by the parish and have any and all of your questions answered.
Families and children are welcome!
“And this is the job of the catechist: constantly to go forth to others out of love to bear witness and to talk about Jesus, to proclaim Jesus.”
~ Pope Francis
Session #1: Tuesdays, 6-7:15pm (weekly)
* Kindergarten - 2 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 2nd Grade - 2 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 3rd Grade - 2 adult co-catechists or classroom assistants
* 4th Grade - 4 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
Other - 2 adult Hallway Monitors
Session #2: Wednesdays, 5:15-6:30pm (weekly)
* Kindergarten - 2 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 1st Grade - 3 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 2nd Grade - 2 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 3rd Grade - 4 adult class facilitators/co-catechists
* 4th Grade - 1 adult class assistant
Other - 1 adult Hallway Monitors
To register as a volunteer, please complete the:
For more information on volunteering, please contact
Joan Hastreiter at [email protected]
Lisa Feighery at [email protected]
Thanks in advance for your prayerful consideration!
Read the personal testimony of one of our 2021-2022 Volunteers and how serving in this special ministry has impacted her life and that of her family:
When my son Dominic was around 3 years old, I began feeling a nudge from God to be more involved in his faith formation. When he started Kindergarten, I knew I wanted him to attend CCE in person to continue that spiritual growth but also to meet other children his age who shared the same beliefs.
The nudge I felt become a push, and it was God telling me I should sign up to be a catechist and teach CCE. I knew I would be in good hands both from the spiritual journey God planned for me but also because the preparation, tools and resources provided to the catechists. I was blessed to be partnered with a kind, loving, generous, and faith-filled co-catechist who also helped me learn and grow in my own faith.
Sharing this experience with Dominic has strengthened our bond. It’s been such a beautiful way for me to see him grow. As a working parent I don’t get to spend a lot of time with him during the week, but CCE was quality time well spent with him and the other children. The joy and the knowledge both given and received during the CCE year was amazing. It truly is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Kate Arno, Kindergarten Catechist 2021-2022
To learn more about how you can answer The Call by supporting the
Children's Elementary Faith Formation program
at St. Laurence this coming year, please go to the
CATECHIST webpage on the St. Laurence website.