The Virtus program has been replaced by CMG Connect. This program allows for easier training for volunteers and employees as it is now completed online whenever it is convenient for the individual. All information regarding Virtus training and certifications have been transferred to CMGConnect. In addition, CMGConnect will send out an email reminder if your certification period is near expiration.
CMG connect is a new web-based platform that will assist us to ensure that all employees and volunteers who are in a position of trust with children and vulnerable adults within our schools and parishes are trained to recognize behavior patterns of potential abusers and provide pro-active measures for preventing abuse in any context.
“Safe Haven-It’s Up to You” is a three-part video which provides vignettes of real-life situations to educate the viewer about methods of grooming, desensitization, bullying, and neglect, all of which can lead to abuse. Each part of the video is immediately followed by a brief questionnaire to further develop understanding. This session takes approximately 1 ½ hours to complete and does not have to be completed at one sitting.
Education is the key element of the Safe Environment program. All clergy, employees, contracted school personnel and volunteers over the age of 18, who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, and adults with special needs are required to complete the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Online Training. All individuals listed above must submit to a criminal background check before they may begin employment or volunteer with ministries, groups, movements, and organizations.
In addition, all individuals listed above must complete the mandatory online refresher training upon the 5 year anniversary of the prior training and submit a new background check as a condition of continued ministry and/or continued employment in this Archdiocese. To take the Safe Haven basic program simply click on the link below:
Safe Environment Training for Adults
All MMDM volunteers are required to complete the diocesan approved Safe Havenmodules. Click on the link below for more information and to find a course that's convenient for you.