This non-profit agency has served the elderly and impaired in our community since 1994 by offering transportation to doctor appointments, grocery stores, pharmacy, dialysis, cancer treatments, and other life-sustaining trips that assist in keeping our elderly independent in their homes. Calls for these services have doubled since 2022!
An important portion of Senior Rides and More's operating budget is provided by St. Laurence along with seven other local churches. The remaining donations come from private grants and community member donations. This agency also relies heavily on the generosity of its trained and insured volunteers’ time and utilizes Uber and Lyft to fill in the gap when no volunteers are available. Using Uber and Lyft ensures every transportation request is fulfilled.
In the coming fiscal year, many of the previous volunteers are not able to be as involved as in the past and some grants are no longer available to Senior Rides. They are asking for your help to maintain services to our elderly by donating your time and treasure. Without your help, these services will be lost to this aging population. Please strongly consider how you might help Senior Rides and More!
To make a monthly or one-time donation or to volunteer your time, please contact Debby Posso (Executive Director) at 713-772-8181 or by email at [email protected]. Also please visit their website at
We so appreciate your consideration as well as the consideration for our elderly population.