Heavenly Father
We present ourselves to you, imperfect yet totally loved by you. We have heard your call and we say ‘YES’ to your will. We humbly offer ourselves in your service. We are ready for the sacrifice your call requires.
Lord, we ask you to help us love others as you have loved us. Grant us your gifts of gentleness, kindness, patience, understanding, love, wisdom, and the power to heal the body mind and spirit of those we serve.
Our ears are attentive to your voice. Help us to think like you. Let us have joyful hearts as we meet the neediest of your peoples and those who have not heard your word.
Let our actions and demeanor tell the story of your love and kindness. Let our witness to Jesus Christ instill a yearning in those we encounter to learn about the God who sends such kindness into the world.
Lord, watch over us, protect us from all evil, and lead us not into temptation.
At each days end let us have peaceful rest and renewal of spirit and strength for the next day as we praise your holy name.