6:30 am | Service
9:00 am | Mass
Noon (12:00 pm) | Service
4:30 pm | Service
6:00 pm | Mass
7:30 pm | Service
No Confessions on Ash Wednesday
“By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” - 1 Peter 1:3
Saturday, April 5, 8:30 am-12:30 pm
More information to come!
Ascension Lenten Companion: Walking with Mary to Jerusalem
By Fr. Mark Toups
This Lent you can learn to see Jesus’ Passion and death through the heart and eyes of his mother. With Mary at your side, your prayer, fasting, and almsgiving can become more than habitual practices, but profound personal encounters with Christ in his final moments.
All About Lent
Dynamic Catholic
Lent is an invitation to rearrange your priorities—to focus on what matters most and leave behind what matters least. Lent is your invitation to take your spiritual life seriously, to form life-giving habits and abandon self-destructive habits. Lent is your chance to discover the abundant life Jesus invites us to at Easter.
Journey with us with two brand-new series from the Augustine Institute.
How to Lent lays out a roadmap for entering the season with a purpose.
Foretold weaves together the Old and New Testament stories, highlighting their connecting threads of prophecy and fulfillment.
Lenten Gospel Reflections
By Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Robert Barron invites you to enter more deeply into the prayerful nature of the season. These reflections feature the full Gospel reading for each day of Lent, a daily reflection, space for journaling and answering reflection questions, and more.
Lent 2025 The Peaceful Path of Hope
By Alice Camile
In this Jubilee Year, Alice Camille invites us to make a Lenten pilgrimage in Jesus’ own path. In the face of accusation and persecution, she writes, Jesus shows us that “only hope can make a person so brave.”
Lent 2025 - Renewal in the Midst of Change
Renew International
Lent 2025: is a downloadable faith-sharing resource rooted in the Sunday gospels. It offers scripture reflections, prayers, and group discussions to inspire spiritual renewal and deeper trust in God amid life's difficulties.
Not by Bread Alone
Daily Reflections for Lent 2025
By Daniel P. Horan, OFM
Prayerfully journey through Lent with inspiring and meaningful reflections on the daily Mass readings. These insightful meditations can deepen your experience of this solemn season of prayer and penance.
Praying Lent
Renewing Our Lives on the Lenten Journey
By: Andy Alexander, SJ and Maureen McCann Waldron
Praying Lent provides readers with a rich, full, and transformative Lenten prayer experience, one in which hearts, minds, and lives are truly renewed as Lent takes on a far deeper and more meaningful purpose.
Sacred Space for Lent 2025
Loyola Press
In this easy-to-use format, you'll find weekly topics for meditation and prayer, as well as daily Scripture readings and brief reflections to ponder for Lent.
Wilderness Within
A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation
In Wilderness Within, Sr. Josephine will guide you through the forty days of Lent to attend to the wilderness of your heart as a place to be explored, restored, and sent on mission by Jesus’s tender love.
Under the Olive Tree
Blessed is She
This Lent, walk with Jesus into the garden and allow Him to restore the garden of your own heart with His merciful love.