The Caregivers Support Group is a spirituality-based fellowship existing to serve those caring for a loved one of any age with special needs.
The loved ones being cared for by our members face challenges associated with a variety of different conditions which impact independent functioning—autism spectrum diagnoses, dementia, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, cancer, stroke, etc.
The nature of the special care needed by our members’ loved ones varies widely, yet the struggles and joys of caregiving are common to all.
Our group is designed to be a place for caregivers to refuel spiritually, connect with others who understand, garner inspiration from Scripture, readings, and speakers, and share information about helpful resources. Group members also intercede for one another in prayer. Recognizing that caregiving can be extremely challenging and demanding, we embrace the encouragement found in the community.
While our gatherings are typically geared for the caregiver alone, we also plan special family events for both the caregiver and their loved ones.
Our gatherings are a mix of luncheons centered around prayer, spiritual reflection and peer support at the Ave Maria Center, and family events or special field trips to venues such as The Ruah Center at the Villa de Matel and the Brookwood Community.
Please contact Lori Knowles at [email protected] or 281-261-5738 or Jane Jewell at [email protected] or 713-775-7172for more information and our current schedule.